Scientific Experiments at Jungfraujoch
- Atmospheric physics and chemistry (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy BIRA-IASB, Belgium)
- World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG) (Group for Atmospheric Modelling and Remote Sensing of the Laboratory for Air Pollution and Environmental Technology, Empa, Switzerland)
- High resolution, solar infrared Fourier Transform Spectrometry (Institute of Astrophyiscs and Geophysics, Université de Liège, Belgium)
- National Air Pollution Monitoring Network, NABEL (Laboratory for Air Pollution/Environmental Technology, Empa, Switzerland, and Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland)
- STARTWAVE: STudies in Atmospheric Radiative Transfer and Water Vapour Effects (Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland)
- The Global Atmosphere Watch Aerosol Program at the Jungfraujoch (Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
- World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (Physikalisches Institut, University of Bern, Switzerland, Empa)
- ICOS Data Portal (Empa, Switzerland, University of Bern, Switzerland, University of Basel, Switzerland)
- ACTRIS Data, Tools and Services (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, Empa, Switzerland)
- Permafrost temperature monitoring in alpine rock walls (Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland)
- Swiss Permafrost Monitoring Network (PERMOS) Borehole Data Browser (PERMOS is carried by six partner institutions: Universities of Fribourg, Lausanne, and Zurich, ETH Zurich, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland SUPSI, and the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF.)
- PermaSense: permafrost in Alpine rock walls (Department of Geography, University of Zurich)
Radioactivity / Cosmic Ray
- RADAIR (Réseau Automatique de Détection dans l’Air d’Immissions Radioactives) (Federal Office of Public Health)
- Radon Measurements (Institute of Environmental Geosciences, Department of Geosciences, University of Basel)
- Swiss Neutron Monitors (Physikalisches Institut, University of Bern, Switzerland)
- Automated GPS Network in Switzerland AGNES (Bundesamt für Landestopographie, Switzerland)
- EUMETNET (GPS Water Vapor Programme, Bundesamt für Landestopographie, swisstopo, Switzerland)
- Meteo data from weather station Jungfrau Ostgrat
- Current weather in the Jungfrau region (Jungfraubahn Holding AG, Interlaken)
- Panorama photo taken from Sphinx updated every hour (SWITCH Webcam Jungfraujoch)
- Live Cams in the Jungfrau region (, Interlaken)