A Workshop organised by the SCNAT "Jungfraujoch Kommission"
Swiss Academy of Sciences, House of Science, Schwarztorstrasse 9, CH-3007 Bern,
Conference Room "Max" on the Ground Floor
Tuesday (p.m.)/ Wednesday 25/26 November 2008
Tuesday afternoon, 25 November 2008
- Aims of the Workshop,
Martin C.E. Huber (Jungfraujoch Kommission) - "The Alpine Research Station on Jungfraujoch "Origin, History and the Future",
Erwin O. Flückiger (Univ. Bern, Director of the Research Station) - "Aerosol measurements in the context of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme and several EC projects"
Urs Baltensperger and Ernest Weingarten (Lab. Atm. Chem., PSI) - "Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange"
Valentin Simeonov, Hubert van den Bergh, Marcel Bartlomé and Bertrand Calpini (EPFL- Faculté Environnement Naturel, Architectural et Construit/Laboratory for Air and Soil Pollution, EPFL) - "Overview of existing high-level data products derived from high-resolution Fourier- Transform Infra-Red spectra recorded at the Jungfraujoch station, typical results and their valorisation"
Emmanuel Mahieu (GIRPAS) - "Contributions to the exploitation of Fourier-Transform Infra-Red observations at the Jungfraujoch: recent work on O3 and CO, and future research directions"
Martine De Mazière et al. (Institute of Space Aeronomy, Brussels) - "Water vapour retrievals from Jungfraujoch spectra: valorisation of early observations for multi-decadal trend determinations"
Philippe Demoulin (Université de Liège, Institut d’Astrophysique et de Géophysique, Groupe InfraRouge de Physique Atmosphérique et Solaire (GIRPAS)) - "Long-term monitoring of stratospheric composition by ultraviolet-visible spectrometry and contribution to satellite validation"
François Hendrick et al., (Institute of Space Aeronomy, Brussels) [presented by Michel Van Roozendael] - "First tentative conclusions following the reports of the first day"
Jean-Claude Gérard (Laboratoire de Physique Atmosphérique et Planétaire, Institut d’Astrophysique et Géophysique, Université de Liège)
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
- "The Original Atmospheric Aims of the Liège Measurements of the Solar Spectrum at High Resolution"
Ginette Roland (Université de Liège) - "Instrumental developments in the frame of harsh environmental conditions remotecontrolled Fourier-Transform Spectroscopy"
Christian Servais (GIRPAS) - "Multi-spectra multi-windows retrievals from ground-based Fourier-Transform Infra- Red spectra: application to carbonyl fluoride (COF2)"
Pierre Duchatelet (GIRPAS) - General Discussion: "Spawning the Atmosphere Measurements of Jungfraujoch"
- "On the potential of the new Multi-Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAXDOAS) technique for the monitoring of tropospheric composition at the Jungfraujoch"
Michel Van Roozendael et al. (Institute of Space Aeronomy, Brussels) - "What can we learn from combined CO2 and O2 measurements at Jungfraujoch?"
Markus Leuenberger, Physikalisches Institut, Klima- und Umweltphysik, University of Bern) - "Air pollution measurements at Jungfraujoch: from determination of trends to European source estimation"
Brigitte Buchmann and Stefan Reimann (Air Pollution/Env. Technol., EMPA) - "Trace gas measurements at Jungfraujoch to study intercontinental air pollutant transport and tropospheric ozone trends"
Johannes Stähelin and Thomas Peter (Inst. Atm. & Climate, ETHZ) - "Long-term air pollution records retrieved from Alpine ice cores"
Heinz Gäggeler and Anja Eichler (PSI, Lab. f. Radiochem. & Environmental Chem.) - "Ice nuclei measurements in the context of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme and several EC projects"
Olaf Stetzer, Ulrike Lohmann and Berko Sierau (ETHZ, Inst. Atm. & Climate) - "Overview on activities in the frame of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) Primary Site Station Bern that belongs (for NDACC) to Jungfraujoch"
Niklaus Kämpfer (Inst. Appl. Phys. Univ. Bern) - "Comparing aerosol optical depth (AOD) observations at Jungfraujoch with those of lower altitude stations"
Laurent Vuilleumier (Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, MeteoSwiss) - "Long records of weather measurements at Jungfraujoch and their significance yesterday, today and tomorrow"
Simon Scherrer (Climate Services, Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology, MeteoSwiss) - Summary, Actions
Martin C.E. Huber (Jungfraujoch Kommission)