
Flying over the Aletsch glacier

The great Aletsch Glacier is the largest glacier of the Alps being the centerpiece of the Aletsch-Jungfrau region. With a length of over 22 kilometres and a surface of ca. 80 km2, the glacier stores a fifth of Switzerland’s glacier ice volume. As the most extended frozen surface of the Alps, this region is an optimal study site for the potential of aerial photos over ice- and snow-covered areas. At the beginning of September 2021, a team of researchers from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) tested a photogrammetric camera-system for the specific data collection over the Aletsch Glacier. The flight campaign was supported by four colleagues located at the Jungfraujoch research station.

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Determination of the planetary boundary layer in complex topography

Full report in German


Investigation of the bedrock beneath the glacier by cosmic muon tomography

Glaciers have essentially characterised the shape of the Alps and of Switzerland. Researchers of the University of Bern want to investigate the bedrock of the Eiger glacier with the help of cosmic-ray muon tomography. For this purpose, several cosmic muon detectors, made of emulsion films, were installed along the Jungfrau Railway tunnel. The images can then be used to compute the base of the Eiger Glacier in three dimensions. The researchers want to get a detailed picture of the erosion mechanisms of steep glaciers based on this data.

Full report in German


Swiss consortium participates in the European network for CO2-research

The use of fossil carbon fuel can be seen in the increase of the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2). The new established science-infrastructure «Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS-ERIC)» generates harmonized, highly precise data for the better understanding of the carbon cycle. The Swiss consortium, including research groups from ETH Zurich, Empa, WSL, MeteoSwiss and the Universities Basel and Bern, is an active participant of this infrastructure by measurements at the research station Jungfraujoch.

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