You were granted a working place at the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch. In order to be informed about the life and work on Jungfraujoch, please read our Rules and Regulations.
Two custodian couples alternate in supervising the Research Station on site. The custodians are the representatives of the director at the Research Station. Their instructions are to be complied with.
Visit to Jungfraujoch
Researchers involved in approved projects at the Research Station Jungfraujoch must ask for the administration’s approval prior to any stay at Jungfraujoch (Phone: +41 31 684 40 52; This also includes work done during the daytime without overnight stays. Besides informing the administration about any planned stay at Jungfraujoch, the researchers also need to contact the custodians, in order to confirm their visit and to inform the custodians about the arrival time at Jungfraujoch. The phonenumber of the custodians is +41 33 828 71 30. If for any reason you are running late or you have to cancel your stay, please inform the custodians immediately! Upon arrival at Jungfraujoch, the researchers are asked to first contact the custodians.
Any changes in the travel plans or in the composition of the group before or during the stay at the Research Station Jungfraujoch also have to be reported to the secretary’s office. This procedure is not meant to make the researcher’s life more difficult but is actually for his/her safety.
Legitimation card
The secretary’s office will issue legitimations cards for all researchers. The legitimation card permits the holder to purchase reduced-priced railway tickets to Jungfraujoch at the following railway stations: Interlaken Ost, Grindelwald Terminal, Grindelwald Grund and Lauterbrunnen. The legitimation cards are valid for the railway lines Grindelwald Terminal/Grindelwald Grund – Jungfraujoch and Wengen – Jungfraujoch. The GA and Halbtax are valid until Grindelwald Terminal/Grindelwald and Wengen.
Jungfrau railways
Access regulations for researchers to the train at Jungfraujoch
Upon presentation of the yellow researcher’s legitimation card, certain items at the selfservice restaurant, the Bollywood restaurant and the coffee bar at Jungfraujoch can be purchased to a reduced price.
Internet connection
All working places in the Research Station and the Sphinx Laboratory are equipped with internet connections. IP addresses can be obtained from the Foundation’s technical assistant (
The use of the University of Bern’s computer network is subject to the University’s security regulations. It is prohibited to alter or expand network components of the network of the Research Station Jungfraujoch unless explicitly approved by the Abteilung Informatikdienste of the University of Bern. For details see here.
WLAN should be available inside the Research Station (Forschungsstation). The SSID ‘eduroam’ is available. Researchers from institutions that are not members of eduroam, please contact the custodians.
Sensitive measurements
Please read Substances/activities that may cause problems for ongoing measurements at Jungfraujoch.
Feel free to contact Mrs. Claudine Frieden, if you have any questions or if you need more information. She will be happy to help you